Hey guys!!! How have you been? I've missed you all, and blogging SO much! I didn't really mean to take a break, but well...life happened. I've had a lot of issues I've had to deal with over the last month or so. It's been crazy, and unfortunately, not in a good way. BUT I'm hoping that's changed now. ;-) I've been dealing with a sick horse,sick dog,sick me,sick grandma,broken computer,hubby being out of town for work, and just so much crap. As you all know me by now, you know that when one of my babies is sick, I'm a mess. So it's been tough. They are all okay for now though. My grandma is better, I'm better...my computer? So-so. I'm actually going to have to send it off for a week or so to get fixed. I will still be blogging during that time though. We have another computer I can use. I'm sorry for disappearing on you all like that, but I'm back now, and I have so much stuff to show you. :-)
Since today's Valentine's Day, I've been doing V-Day manis. over the last few days, so I'm going to start with those first. I'm going to let the pics. do most of the talking, as there are quite a few of them to get through. ;-)
First up is today's mani. Lynnderella Matter of the Heart over Essie French Affair.

Essie French Affair on it's own.

Lynnderella Heart Strings over Finger Paints Red-Brandt

Finger Paints Red-Brandt on it's own.

Lynnderella Boy-Girl Party over Sinful Colors Cinderella

Sinful Colors Cinderella on it's own.

Lynnderella Sweets to the Sweet over Love & Beauty Cream

Love& Beauty Cream on it's own.

Lynnderella Liquid Valentine over Zoya Lolly

Zoya Lolly on it's own.

Lynnderella Chocolotta Love over OPI Wooden Shoe You Like to Know?

OPI Wooden Shoe You Like to Know? On it's own.

What do you think of Lynnderella's V-Day collection? I personally, think it's my fav. one yet. ;-) Do you have any of them? Which one is your fav? It's too hard for me to pick a fav....I love them all!
If you have any questions about any of them let me know. Thanks so much for being patient with me, and sticking around the last few weeks. I really appreciate each and every one of you. I hope no matter who your with, or what your doing tonight, that you have a wonderful Valentine's Day! :-)