Happy Friday!!! Wow, has this week flown by for me! I've been a bad blogger, and only posted ONE blog this week. :-( I'm really sorry. Thanks for sticking with me though. This week has been very unexpectedly busy for me. I've had things going on every single day/night that just sorta came up. So that's why I've been sorta MIA lately.
I do have lots of pics. to show you today though. :-) I'll start off with the simple one, and the one I loved. A couple of years ago, Color Club had a mini Halloween set. I really only wanted it for one color. Abracadabra. I finally got my hands on it, not too long ago, and it didn't let me down. ;-) Abracadabra is a gorgeous, squishy orange jelly with gold and orange glitter. I have nothing like it, and I LOVE it. I so wish they made this in a regular sized bottle. I'd probably hoard the stuff. LOL! Application was great, and I used three coats.

Of course, I had to try it with my Essie Matte About You. It turned out pretty cool. ;-)

Non Matte and Matte Close ups.

Now to the second Mani...This one turned out to be a kinda fail, kinda cool mani. If you know what I mean? I started out with two coats of China Glaze It's Alive, which is a really awesome polish. I will def. have to wear this on it's own sometime. It's Alive is a swampy green jelly with round and hex green glitter. I've heard that people have had some issues with this being a pain to apply, and that it was too thick. I didn't have either of those issues. It applied great, and wasn't thick at all. I used two coats. I then added a coat of OPI Black Shatter, and then a coat of China Glaze Ghoulish Glow to the top. The Ghoulish Glow was the fail. It didn't glow at all. I went in a very dark room, and it just didn't work. :-( The bottle glowed, but not my nails. I have no idea why. Maybe I needed to add another coat or something. Anyway, it did give the mani. more of an over all Halloween look to it. I also added a pumpkin sticker to my ring fingers.
I guess it turned out okay. Just not what I was expecting. So kinda fail, kinda not. ;-)
First up, here is China Glaze It's Alive on it's own.

Close Up.

With OPI Black Shatter

With China Glaze Ghoulish Glow and Pumpkin sticker.

Whew! That was a lot of pics! ;-) Thanks for reading, and I hope you have a wonderful Friday! :-)